NHS treatment
Offering braces on the NHS.
Pallant Orthodontics is happy to provide NHS treatment at our Bognor Regis practice. To see if your child is fit for these services, we offer a free NHS assessment following a referral from your family dentist. This must be done by your dentist via the online referral platform, Rego, where your child will then be added to our NHS waitlist.

Does my child qualify for NHS treatment?
The NHS only funds orthodontic treatment for children under 18 who express a clear health need for treatment. Eligibility is determined by the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN).
If your child is over 18, has had previous NHS orthodontic treatment, or only has cosmetic concerns about their smile, they will not qualify. If your child doesn’t qualify for NHS funding, we will work with you to find the most affordable solution available.

How long is the NHS waiting list?
NHS funding for orthodontic care is limited, and patients who qualify for treatment on the NHS will need to go on a waiting list. To be placed on the waiting list, your child must have no remaining baby teeth and have good dental health. We are vigilant on excellent brushing both before and during orthodontic treatment.
The NHS waiting list is currently between 6-9 months depending on where your dentist refers your child for treatment. Some areas of England have a waitlist for up to 2-3 years to be seen. To find out our exact wait list times, please call our Bognor Regis practice on 01243 682 027.

Private orthodontic treatment
If your child doesn’t qualify for NHS treatment, you don’t want to wait, or you want to have options other than metal braces, we have plenty of private treatment options to choose from. Our team will make every effort to ensure your treatment plan is tailored to fit your budget.
Benefits of private treatment include:
- Treatment can start when it’s most convenient for you (no waiting list)
- Flexible appointment times
- Choice of aesthetic (clear) braces or clear aligners
- Attention is given to all aspects of your cosmetic orthodontic concerns
- Oral hygiene and brace homecare pack is provided
- Mouthguard is provided
- Custom fixed bonded retainers and removable retainers at the end of treament
- Aftercare for one year
- Flexible finance options – including interest-free payments

Discover your options at your free consultation
Book a free consultation with our team in Bognor Regis or Chichester today to learn about our private treatment options for your child.